How To Avoid Message Preview In Whatsapp | Step by Step

If you want to enjoy maximum privacy when receiving your messages, learning how to avoid previewing messages in WhatsApp can be very useful.

Every time you receive a message, the screen of your mobile lights up and it shows both the name of the person who sent it to you and an excerpt of the message that has reached you. If you want to keep your privacy to the maximum, you are interested in learning how to avoid previewing messages in WhatsApp. The steps to follow are as follows:

  • Open the WhatsApp application
  • Press the button with three vertical dots that you will find in the upper right corner.
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Notifications
  • Disable the High priority notifications option.
  • This option is available for both individual messages and groups. If you do not want to receive a preview of any of the messages you receive on your mobile, you will need to deactivate this option in both cases. If you only want to avoid them in the individual messages or in the groups, you will be able to choose in which of the two parts you deactivate it. Once you have done this, you will continue to see notifications of your messages, but you will not be able to see part of their content, neither you nor anyone else around you.

How To Hide Whatsapp Message Content

The best way to prevent anyone from finding out what others are telling us when we get a message is to learn how to hide WhatsApp message content. Once we have opened them within the application it will not be possible to hide it from the people around us. The only thing we can do is, as we have explained in the previous section, avoid the preview so that nothing is seen when a notification arrives.

If what you want is that no one can enter your WhatsApp chats even if you leave them your mobile, you can also choose to put a password.

To do this you must go to Settings>Account>Privacy. There is an option called Fingerprint lock. If we activate this option, every time a person wants to enter WhatsApp will have to put your finger for the fingerprint. Therefore, no one other than you will have the possibility to do so. This way you can completely hide the content of your conversations.

How To Prevent Whatsapp Messages From Being Seen On The Lock Screen

You may not care about other people accessing your messages once your phone is unlocked, but you do want to prevent your lock screen from being overly visible. For a couple of years now, notifications have been displayed there for convenience. But if you want you can learn how to prevent WhatsApp messages from being seen on the lock screen, for which you will have to follow the steps that we indicate below:

  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Apps & Notifications
  • Tap on Notifications
  • Go to Notifications on lock screen
  • You can choose the option Show, Don’t show or Show but hide contents.
  • The Show but hide contents option allows us to receive notifications of messages, but not the content of the messages. If we choose the option Do not show, the notifications will not even appear on the lock screen.
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