How to delete applications and saved data from PlayStation 5?

Deleting applications and data saved on the PlayStation 5 will help to manage the space inside the console, for this you first have to check what is the storage capacity you have because based on this you will know what to delete and what not. Also having a free storage will prevent the console from presenting common errors such as error WS-116414-7.

Benefits of deleting games and data from the PS5

It is possible that you have information on your PS5 that you do not want to delete because they are games that you may eventually use again or you simply have applications that you like and want to keep; however, freeing up your console’s storage will bring you some benefits that are worth knowing more about. 

Freeing up storage space

This is the main reason when deciding to delete games and data from the PS5, freeing up storage space helps the console to work better and correctly, since it does not have not only applications but a high amount of data product of the games. It also allows space for new games.

The console will not slow down

A slow console is the worst punishment and more if it is a PlayStation 5, that is why deleting games and data will help it not to slow down and also prevents many errors such as not connecting to the Internet or errors CE-109502-7 and CE-109503-8 that usually cause so much trouble.

How to delete games from the PlayStation 5 console?

To delete games from the PlayStation 5 console you have several options, do not worry that each of them we will describe below, the main thing is that you have access to your profile and perhaps a little patience, maybe and sometimes the orange light appears flashing on your controller. 

From the start menu

This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to delete a game from the PlayStation 5 console, you just have to go to the start menu, then locate the game you want to delete and click on it to see the options, click now where it says Delete and ready, the game will be permanently deleted from the console. 

In the game library

This option is used when the game does not appear in the start menu. You have to go to the games library and then press where it says Installed, you will see a list of all the games you have stored, choose the one you want to delete and open the options menu, click where it says Delete, and that’s it.

From the configuration

From settings you have the option to delete the data stored by the games, which is also good to get rid of from time to time. Go to Settings and then click on ‘Saved Data and Games & Apps Settings’, now click on the PS5 Saved Data – Console Storage option and then Delete.

In the mobile application

Remember to always download the application from a safe place. To delete a game from the mobile app just open the PlayStation 5 app and go to the Settings section, then press the option that says ‘Storage’ and a list will appear with all the games that the console has.

Choose one by one the games you want to uninstall, click on them so that the options menu appears and you can select ‘Delete’, you may be asked for confirmation, just press Delete and that’s it.

How to delete the data of the saved games?

It is important to know that deleting a game will not cause the data produced by them to be deleted. Therefore, it is important to delete them manually. What you must do is go to the configuration option located in the upper right corner of the screen and from here follow the steps shown below. 

  • Select the option that says ‘Saved Data and Game & App Settings’.
  • Now select the ‘Saved Data (PS5)’ option.
  • Press now, ‘Console Storage’ and then delete.
  • Now you have to select each of the files you want to delete and then press the ‘Delete’ option again, press OK when asked for confirmation and that’s it. All the data you selected will be deleted.

How to remove deleted games from the home screen?

It often happens that after deleting games from the PS5 console, they remain on the home screen. To solve this problem you have 2 options, the first is to delete the game from the home screen and the second is to restart the console to handle the new information.

Alternatives to expand storage space

Deleting games, applications and data is not the only way used to expand the storage space of your PlayStation, there are also other ways (such as cloud storage) that you will surely find a little practical and we will show them in detail below.

USB Extended Storage

An extended storage unit will give you the ability to have in it all the games you want and when playing you only have to connect it to the console, you will have all the information at hand. Remember that it has to have a capacity of 250Gb minimum and 8 TB maximum.

USB with FAT or exFAT format

This is a very practical file system that is used in external units where you are going to save files and information with a weight greater than 4 GB without having any compatibility problem. 

Cloud storage

This option comes by default on all consoles, if you want to check it just go to the Settings menu – Saved Data, then Save Data (PS5), select Cloud Storage. From here you will be able to download the data from the cloud to verify what you have saved. 

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