How to filter or search Excel data with text box?

One of the most used tools in the world to perform various types of tasks is the Excel program, therefore it is worth placing a shortcut on our PC.

In many areas, it is necessary to know how to use this program in order to take full advantage of it. That is why in this space we will share information that can be very useful for you. Specifically, we will show you how to filter or search Excel data with a text box.

It is important to mention that this tool is used to create spreadsheets, which you can manage and modify whenever you need to, in order to update the information. Currently, Excel can be used both on computers and cell phones. Moreover, it is compatible with several operating systems.

There is a lot of valuable information that we will share with you in this post. Next, we will explain the aforementioned information, so that you can apply it whenever you need it.

What is the way to make a data filter in Excel documents?

The first specification that we will share with you has to do with the correct way to make a filter of extracted data in Excel documents. The first thing you should do, after opening Excel, is to go to the ‘Data’ tab, then click on the options and finally select ‘Filter’.

After following these steps, an arrow will automatically appear in each of the rows, which in turn will lead you to a menu. Here you can select the information you want to search for, to save time and find the data you are looking for faster.

Filtering by text

There are several ways to search for information using these filters. One of them, which is used by many people, is the text filters. To make use of them, you only need to select any of the rows, and then select the arrow of one of them. After that, you select the text filters and finish by pressing the ‘accept’ button.

It should be noted that thanks to the filters you can both join and separate the data to use them as required. In addition to this, you can create an order, designing it depending on the criteria you need. Filtering by text is usually the most recurrent, because it is the easiest and simplest way to search for information in Excel.

Filters by category

Another method that can be used to achieve the goal of finding information more quickly is to create filters by category. To do this, you must look in the data tab. Then, select the ‘sort and filter’ group and finally click on ‘advanced’.

 Filtering by category is highly recommended when you have an Excel file with a lot of data. This way you can filter the data by date, quantity, name, etc.

How to search for Excel data using a text box?

If you want to perform a much more specific search, it is essential that you make use of text boxes. To do this, the first thing you must do is to follow the whole process mentioned above to search for filters. Then, you must select any of them and wait for a text box to appear.

The last step you must follow is to type the search criteria you want, so that the program will provide you with the specific information you are looking for. The text boxes are easy to use and apply, so it is a great help if you do not like to use filters by category or text. Besides, it is always easier to search for data using a search engine.

How to filter data from one sheet to another in Excel?

As you have seen, data filtering is quite useful, for all the reasons that were mentioned above. Another of the actions that can be performed using this tool is to filter information from one sheet to another. If you want to know this information, continue browsing this post, in which we will share with you everything you need to know about it.

The first step to achieve this goal is to create a name for all the source data you wish to filter. After that, you select them, and then enter the name of that range in the ‘mailbox name’ option. The next step is to create a data table. To do this, you must click on the box labeled ‘table’ and finally select the option ‘create table’.

After this, it is necessary to create a table to house such data. Subsequently, open a new worksheet and click on ‘data’, specifically on the option ‘from other sources’ and finally on Microsoft Query. At the end of this process, you will be able to select the Excel files to choose the filter you have previously created.

How to make an automatic filter with Excel data?

Another method you can use to quickly search for information in Excel is to use automatic filters. The process you must perform is quite simple, since you only have to select all the data you want to filter, and then click on ‘data’, specifically on the ‘filters’ option.

After this, you need to press the arrow that appears in the column you want to search. The last step to follow is to select the specific values. To do this, you must select all the boxes and uncheck them, to finally activate only the ones you want to see.

With everything you have learned you will now be able to filter the data in your Excel files without any problem. Filtering data usually speeds up the work, so we will be more efficient when working with this fabulous tool designed and developed by Microsoft, the company that allows you to create an autosave in Microsoft Word and Excel and other functions.

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