Sure, you use WhatsApp to send messages and make voice and video calls, but you may not know your WhatsApp number, as many users do. If so, it’s easy to check your WhatsApp number on Android and iPhone. Find out how below.
How to find my Whatsapp number
- To get started, open the Whatsapp app on your Android or iPhone device, then go to the settings page. If you’re using an Android, tap the three-dot option in the top corner, then select Settings from the menu. If you’re using an iPhone, tap the Settings option in the bottom bar of the app.
- On the Settings page, click on the name next to the photo at the top to access your profile.
- Under your profile, you will see the phone number you use in your WhatsApp at the bottom.
- In case you want to change the phone number used in your WhatsApp, click on the number and then follow the instructions on the screen, as you will be asked to enter the current number and the new number and then activate the new number via SMS.
As you have seen, it is easy to know which phone number you are using on WhatsApp, but we find that many users do not know. The same steps apply to both Whatsapp and normal Whatsapp activities. Also, you may be wondering what the difference is between WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Normal.
How to find my phone number
Of course, there is another way to find your phone number, whether you use it on WhatsApp or not. In fact, there are many ways, depending on the carrier you use.
In the Android settings, specifically in the section. About Phone” section.
In the iPhone settings, press Phone “Phone”, then select an option My number “My Number”.
On some SIM cards, you can call 99 to reveal your phone number.
Call your carrier’s customer service number, then follow the instructions to find your phone number.
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