How to prevent Spotify from starting when I turn on my PC | Easy Tutorial

Spotify is the leading platform for playing music via streaming, since 2008, the year of its launch, the Swedish company has developed to offer its users an increasingly rewarding experience.

The platform can be used through Android and iOS, you can also download Spotify on Windows and almost all operating systems available for both computers and mobile devices.

Given the success of the company, many other platforms have wanted to match its functions, such is the case of the well-known SoundCloud, Deezer,, among others like Google Play Music and Apple Music.

Where can I see which programs open when I log in on my computer?

If you have downloaded Spotify on your computer you will surely notice that when you turn on your computer this program or any other in particular, this happens because Spotify tries to keep its users active, always showing itself first, due to direct competition with platforms such as Tidal, given its high competitiveness compared to other streaming platforms. 

We can know the programs that automatically start in unison on your Windows 10 PC by entering the Task Manager, simultaneously pressing the Control > Shift > Esc keys, then select the Startup tab and we will find the list of these programs.

While this function is convenient and very useful in some cases, in others it becomes annoying, depending on the program and the activities you mainly perform on your computer.

How can I stop Spotify from opening when I log on to a Mac computer?

We can prevent this program from opening immediately at startup on our Mac computer, in two different ways, both being very simple to perform.

Fix it from Spotify

If we want to make the configuration directly from the program, it will not take us much time since it is a small adjustment very simple and easy to apply. In addition, from this setting you can adjust your preferences, either not to open it by default or to activate it minimized in the dock.

  • As you already have the Spotify application open by default on your Mac, press the arrow at the top next to your name
  • Next, a drop-down menu will appear, in which you must select the Settings option.
  • Then scroll down to the bottom and click the white button that says Show advanced settings
  • In the list of options locate the Startup and window section, when you enter there is an option that says Open Spotify automatically when you start the computer, this is where we can configure whether we want to open minimized the application, if we want to keep it by default or if we definitely do not want it to start when we start the computer.
  • Finally, it does not require to save the changes you have made, only when you close you will notice that the next time you turn on your Mac computer will not also start Spotify.

From the system preferences

You should know that another way to make this modification without having to enter the application is through the settings of your Mac computer, in the system preferences, it is also a very easy way to modify the startup of the application, however in this way you will not be able to choose the minimized startup option in the dock.

  • Enter the System Preferences from your Mac computer.
  • Click on the Users and Groups option
  • Select your account on the right side, then look for Startup Items at the top.
  • A list of all the programs that open at startup on your computer will be displayed, in this list should be Spotify, which is the one we are interested in now.
  • You must select it and then at the bottom press the Delete button (it has a minus symbol or a hyphen).

How to stop Spotify from starting when you turn on a Windows PC?

Windows users are not the exception and also present the same observation with the music platform, in the same way they choose to configure either from the application or from the computer settings, using very simple steps.

Preventing it from the Spotify application

Through the application it is possible to configure it not to start when Windows starts, this involves a simple setting that will speed up the startup of your computer. Let’s keep in mind that this option, given its streaming nature, lengthens the computer startup process.

So, to avoid waiting for Spotify to take its time to start every time you turn on your computer just open the application’s Preferences Panel, located in the Edit menu or we can also enter with the shortcut Control + P on your keyboard.

Once we get to this part, we scroll down and open the advanced configuration options of the program, in this section we will find the option that will allow us to configure if we want to Open Spotify when we turn on the computer.

As in the Mac configuration, we will be able to choose between Enabled, Disabled or Minimized, according to your preference make the adjustment and ready, it does not require confirmation of the adjustment, when you start Windows again you will see the changes applied.

Control over the applications from the task manager

If the previous configuration did not take effect or you prefer to go directly to the settings of your computer, you can do it from the Task Manager, using the keyboard shortcut Control > Shift > Esc, then we look for the Startup tab and in the list we must locate Spotify.

Then by right-clicking on the name of the application we can disable the startup function at Windows startup, additionally it allows us to see the impact of the program on the computer’s performance.

We must take into account that Spotify does not allow the option to download music, since it is a streaming platform, that is to say that you can listen to music online, also understanding that this includes the use of mobile data and internet, as the case may be. 

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