How to be a farmer in Plant vs Undead – Game Guide

Nowadays, earning money through apps or games is very common. And as far as Plant vs Undead is concerned there are two roles you can within it to make money and today we will explain how you can what it takes to be a farmer and the tasks you need to perform.         

What does it take to be a farmer in Plant vs Undead?

If you want to be a farmer in the game Plant vs Undead, you just need to buy some seeds and then plant them until you produce plants or new seeds. Then to get these seeds you just need to buy them with real money, and it is done by buying PVU which is the token or rather, game currency. So to become a farmer you only need to invest 100 PVU.

In order for the seeds to grow you must remember that you must take care of them, that is to say, you must water them, and this can be done by gardeners and also by farmers, and of course they will receive a reward for it.

There is another way to be a farmer in Plants vs Undead and it is more economical, for this you only need to invest 5 PVU, this to be able to buy the necessary elements to do the job as a gardener on the farm of another user.

All this can be done through the ‘Farm’ section in the game. It should be noted that if you invest 5 PVU you start as a gardener, but when you get more PVU you can change to farmer and have gardeners working for you.

How many PVU do I need to be a farmer in Plant vs Undead?

As we have already mentioned in the previous part to be a farmer you need 100 PVU, because if you start with 5 PVU you would be fulfilling the role of gardener. If you need to check how much is the PVU value you can do it on any cryptocurrency website like for example Coingecko. 

What are the actions performed in Plant vs Undead by the farmers?

It can be said that the main function of a farmer is that of an investor, as he invests money that in the future will give quite a lot of profit.

Among the actions that he performs within the game is to take care of the plants of the Undead, he can also visit other people and help them in the maintenance or care of the plants, and in this way he obtains profits in the form of LE which you later convert into PVU.

It should be noted that when visiting other users and helping them to obtain rewards you must make sure that your internet speed is good, otherwise you may cause a loss and the work will be in vain.

When the initial plant is fully developed there is a chance to create more seed, if you use a pot or grow it in soil that is much more suitable the chance increases.

If the seeds are produced, the earnings can be multiplied and with them you can buy other land and thus achieve more capital which you then convert into real money.

What is the limit of scarecrows and irrigation that farmers can do?

As of today the limit of watering per day is a maximum of 15, but this may change in the future, as for scarecrows, the limit is 2 and 3 hours and randomly, however, gardeners per day can scare away 5 crows at most.

Prices of the materials needed to be a Plant vs Undead farmer

If you are thinking of making an investment in Plant vs Undead and have the necessary PVU to be able to have your own farm with trees and in this way obtain the highest profits from your trees. To do this you need some materials that will help you achieve all this and here in look how to do it we will tell you the price of each of them.


The land is an essential element within the game, since it is on them where you grow, a pot has a price of 20 LE, however, on it you can only plant a seed, since it is for single use, and only lasts for 10 days. There are soils that have characteristics for a specific type of plant and this helps a lot when it comes to increase its production.


Another necessary material to be a farmer are the seeds and these have a price of 100 PVU, the first seed will randomly give a type of plant. Among them we have fire, metal, light, wind, among others. The plants produce LE every so often, and when you have 100 of them you can exchange them for 1 PVU.


Water is another material necessary for production, and its price is 50 LE, this element can be used a maximum of 1000 times and is valid for 24 hours.

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