Why my Facebook session expires ( Solution 2024 )

Have you ever wondered why my Facebook session expires? We tell you how to solve this problem.

If you often use social networks on your smartphone, you’ve probably wondered why my Facebook session expires.

Sometimes, it happens to us that we go to enter the social network application and we get a message that the session has expired, so we have to re-enter the username and password. The reality is that this is due to a bug that sometimes occurs in the social network. And if it is a one-time failure it is not usually too much of a problem, but if it happens continuously having to enter username and password constantly can be very annoying.

Fortunately, this is a problem that can be solved. You won’t need to spend all your time logging in every time you log into Facebook. And, in most cases, the solution will be to update the social network app.

Solution: your session has expired on Facebook

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If you constantly get the message that your session has expired on Facebook, the main solution is to check if there is any update of the application. In most cases, this problem is due to bugs in the programming of the app that can be solved simply by updating. In case you already have the latest version, a possible solution may be to uninstall and reinstall. Normally, problems are usually solved in this way.

If you usually access Facebook from the browser, the most common solution for this problem is to clear cache and log back into the social network.

However, in many cases, as soon as we log in again, everything works again and it does not keep happening constantly.

Why my Facebook session closes

It is difficult to know why my Facebook session closes, as it is usually due to internal problems of the application.

It is also possible, especially if you share your device with someone else, that someone has logged into Facebook from your computer and in order to log in they have logged out of yours. Or even that you have done it unintentionally, especially if you have been fiddling with the platform’s configuration options, which are sometimes not very intuitive.

But whether it’s a Facebook glitch or human error, the solution is the same. First, try logging in again and see if it doesn’t happen again. And if the error persists, follow the instructions we have discussed above.

Does Facebook expire?

What must be clear to us when looking for solutions is that, to the question of whether Facebook expires, the answer is that it does not. There is no set period of time after which it is necessary to re-enter our credentials to log in.

In the event that you find that your session closes frequently, it is because there is some problem. And you should implement the steps we have previously mentioned to try to solve it. Do not settle for logging in to the social network every time you try to enter it, as the proper functioning of the app is not that.

Even if the problem is too persistent, you can opt for a more drastic option such as resetting the phone to factory settings.

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