How To Create A Professional Facebook Account From Your Cell Phone

Find out how to create a professional Facebook account from your cell phone and multiply your business sales.

One of the most interesting ways to boost a business is to know how to create a professional account on Facebook from mobile. Generally, it is more advisable to create a page for the business rather than using a Facebook profile, since this will have a limitation of 5,000 friends. On the other hand, the page can be followed by as many users as you want, which is the most advisable option.

To create a professional account on Facebook, when accessing the application we will have to go to the main menu, located on the icon with three horizontal lines that we will find at the top right of the screen. Then, we scroll down a little until we find the ‘Pages’ option and when we click there, we will find the ‘Create’ button at the top.

Once there, Facebook will invite us to start the process, accepting the terms and conditions of use of the platform related to the pages. By clicking on ‘Start’, the application itself will guide us through the process to provide all the necessary information, from the name and profile picture of our business or professional activity.

Can I Create A Company Page On Facebook Without A Profile?

With the passage of time, it is common that the use given to social networks is exclusively professional, generating the question: can I create a company page on Facebook without a profile? The reality is that no, because to access our business page we will have to do it before from a normal user profile.

However, those who do not want to have a personal Facebook page can limit themselves exclusively to having the personal account as a mere access route to their page, without the need to provide a photograph or real name. These users can simply fill in the necessary fields to create their company page and then configure it as they wish. In this way, you will have a dead profile whose only function will be to access your professional activity on Facebook.

How To Log In To The Facebook Business Account

Once we have created it, we need to know how to log in to the Facebook business account, since the application of Meta’s social network is not always as intuitive as we would like. Again, we will have to access the menu (icon with three bars on the home page) and enter the ‘Pages’ section.

When you enter ‘Pages’, the last pages you visited will no longer appear, but the company page you have created, so you can manage it. If you click on the three dots on the right, you will be able to create a post directly, but if you want to enter to see each section of it, click on the name you have given to your page. The application will then take you to your wall, where you can post content, edit your settings, invite friends, etc.  

How To Manage Facebook For Your Company

As any professional knows, it is one thing to create a page and quite another to know how to manage Facebook for your company. The first thing you have to be clear is that the use has to be radically different from what you can do personally with your Facebook account, so you should limit the publication of content to everything that has to do solely and exclusively with your professional activity (or with the field in which you develop it).

It is also important to know that there are certain advantages to having a professional Facebook page. Being owned by Meta, you can also make use of other applications such as WhatsApp, creating a button so that users can contact you directly. The contact information also needs to be clear, concise and easy to find, so that your customers and potential audience will be clear on how and where to find you.

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