How To Make Money With Affiliates On Aliexpress

Want to know how to make money with affiliates on AliExpress? See how this program works and earn extra income for your store or website.

An SME must know how to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by the main e-commerce platforms, so it is highly recommended to know how to make money with affiliates on AliExpress. Any seller that has its products for sale on this platform of Chinese origin, but with a great popularity worldwide, can take advantage of the affiliate program and place ads on niche websites from which to address precisely to your specific target.

With the AliExpress affiliate program, both parties benefit, as the seller gains exposure of their catalog on third party websites and can increase their sales without too much effort. On the other hand, the affiliate, by offering space on their website for the seller’s ads, will receive a commission for each sale, so they can also earn extra income.

How To Create An Affiliate Account On Aliexpress

Those interested in knowing how to create an affiliate account on AliExpress will have to do it exclusively from the website, as the application does not offer the way to create this account. You will have to enter the specific AliExpress portal and log in with your user data of the platform at the following link:

Link to AliExpress affiliate portal

By accessing the portal, you will be able to sign up for the program by filling out various forms that will ask you for information about you and your website in order to determine what type of items are best suited to your audience. In this way, AliExpress will be able to fine-tune your website to match the ads that will have the greatest impact on your followers.

What Are Aliexpress Affiliates

Many users are used to the figure of the seller on AliExpress with their own catalogs, but the figure of the affiliate is a little more unknown, so it never hurts to explain what AliExpress affiliates are. An affiliate is a person who makes advertising space available on their website to display ads from the platform for specific stores that want to take advantage of this niche storefront and target a more specific audience.

By being an affiliate, if someone enters your website and ends up purchasing one of those advertised items, you can receive a commission for the sale, thus obtaining an income thanks to this figure. Not only AliExpress has the figure of the affiliate, as other platforms such as Amazon have also included mechanisms so that their users can receive money for the sales they can achieve by redirecting traffic from their websites.   

What Is The Affiliate Commission In Aliexpress?

The music sounds good, but it is interesting to know what is the affiliate commission on AliExpress before assessing whether or not it is worth embarking on this program. According to what the platform tells its sellers, the minimum store commission is mandatory when entering the affiliate program, and it is 3%, although the seller has the option to increase it up to 50%.

On the other hand, sellers can also set category and item commissions. In the case of category commissions, AliExpress recommends that stores set it at 6%, but they can vary between 5% and 50%. In the case of wanting to set a commission on a specific item, this can vary between 5% and 90% of the total sale price for the affiliate.

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