Android System WebView: What it is, where to download it and common issues

WebView is responsible for your Android mobile to display Web content, it was even created with the same technology of Google Chrome, it is very common that your phone already has this application by default. That is to say pre-installed, in the same way you have the option to download it using the latest version of the Play Store.

It is very important to keep the WebView component updated in order to avoid errors when obtaining data from the web. Of course in addition to the browser it is also included most applications that need to display content from the internet such as Facebook Instagram and other social networks.

What are the functions of Android WebView?

The main function of WebView is to make the applications installed on your mobile device that need to display internet content, such as the browser, social networks, among others, can do so, of course within the same App, so we can say that it works as a driver.

Other functions of WebView is that they can make applications have full access to the internet, see network connections or even make some content work in the foreground according to the installed application. Likewise, even if you do not have access to a panel, you can customize WebView permissions with any App you want.

How to download or update this application?

It is very easy to download or update WebView as it is available in the Play Store. That is to say that you can write in the search bar ‘WebView’ and download it, of course if you already have it installed the option to update will be shown, otherwise if it is not shown is because you already have the latest version.

It is important to keep it updated to correct errors in your Android applications, otherwise it is possible that the Apps freeze or work very slowly.

What happens if you uninstall WebView from the Android system?

When you remove the WebView component, it is possible that many applications that display content from the Internet will have problems in their operation. For example, Outlook closes by itself, the web browser freezes, social networking applications are very slow, among others.

Also if you are going to open an external link that has been sent to you, it will not use any browser that you have downloaded, only the one preinstalled with the system, you should also know that there are many basic system connections that require internet, which could cause a large error event.

What is the most frequent problem associated with this application?

The most common case is that users are unaware of the function of WebView so they uninstall the application, in order to make space or simply because they do not notice that they are using it. Of course it is very easy to replace this component since it is only necessary to download it from the Play Store.

Also according to the model of the mobile device, in many cases it is not possible to uninstall WebView, the same Android system offers is only the option to disable it in addition to return it to the native version which means losing the updates made in WebView. Then it is the most frequent problem is:

WebView disabled

Likewise WebView disabled is the most frequent problem, so if you are presenting errors on your mobile device, with those applications that need to display content from the internet, the only thing you should do is to enable it again, when the Android system does not offer the option to uninstall it is easier to have the WebView settings.

The drawback is that just to disable it shows the window that if we want to return WebView to its factory state, which means losing important updates, for this reason it is possible that errors occur in the mobile even if this has WebView enabled, the reason would then be because it is outdated.

How to re-enable Android WebView?

To re-enable WebView you just have to do it from the application settings of your device, and no matter the model you use because every Android system has the ‘Applications’ section where the downloaded or default system Apps are displayed. Learn how to enable WebView as follows:

  • Go into the general settings of your Android phone.
  • Tap on apps and drop down the menu of all apps.
  • Tap on WebView.
  • Tap on ‘Enable’ and you are done.
  • It is recommended that you then enter the play Store and update WebView to the latest version, you can also consult the community or Google technical support in order to solve the failures with this component.
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