How To Send High-Resolution Images On Facebook Messenger [Guide].

Find out how to send high-resolution images on Facebook Messenger. Today we will see with this guide how to send high resolution images on Facebook Messenger. If you have already used Facebook Messenger to send images to your contacts, you will surely have noticed that these are compressed to be made lighter and if on the one hand this is done successfully, on the other hand the image arrives to the recipient with a significant decrease in its resolution. Many times there are no problems if you send images that are then received compressed, because to be able to watch them on the small screen of a smartphone you don’t have great demands, but in some cases it is necessary to send high resolution photos so that you can see the details of that photo. So you’re wondering how you can send high resolution photos using Facebook Messenger? Continue reading this guide to learn more about how to send high resolution images on Facebook Messenger.

When you use Facebook Messenger to send a photo from a device running Android OS, it is interesting to note that Messenger will resize the images to a maximum resolution of 1K, which instead becomes maximum 2K if you are using Messenger on an iPhone device. The actual file size you get when sending an image on Messenger is about 400 KB on iPhones and only 100 KB on Android phones, but we don’t think storage space is much of an issue here, as the latest generation smartphones have at least 64 GB of storage space or even more. 

Why sending and receiving high resolution images is important

Users who make use of Facebook Messenger, very often use the application not only to chat, but also to be able to send photos to their friends. These photos, however, unfortunately have a major limitation, in fact, in order to occupy a minimum amount of space in the memory of the phone that will receive the image, to be able to send and receive them faster and to consume as little data as possible, the images are compressed. If this can lead to obvious advantages as we have just noticed, there will be the great disadvantage that the photograph received by the user to whom we have sent it will lose quality when it is enlarged or opened on a screen larger than that of a smartphone, such as on a PC monitor or on the screen of a Smart TV.

A low resolution will not be a problem for those who have to look at an image from the small screen of their smartphone, but what if you want to enlarge it to see a detail? What if you want to download it so that you can print the picture to put in a photo album or perhaps use it for a digital picture frame? In these cases a low resolution image, poor in details due to the compression performed by Facebook Messenger will be completely useless, while instead if the photo received was in high resolution format, the photo would show many more details even after an enlargement. But let’s see if it’s possible and how to send high resolution photos on Facebook Messenger.

Why there is image file compression on Facebook Messenger

  • We mentioned that between iPhone and Android there is a difference in the size of the compressed file that is then received on Messenger:
  • Android phones 960p (1K), average file size 100 KB
  • iPhone 2048p (2K), average file size 400 KB
  • So is there a way to be able to send photos of higher quality than compressed through the use of Facebook Messenger? Once upon a time there was an option that allowed Messenger to send photos in HD format, but now it’s been removed from the app, so the answer is NO, you can’t send high resolution images on Facebook Messenger, or at least not officially. There is in fact a trick for Android that allows you to receive photos sent on Facebook Messenger with a slightly higher resolution than allowed by the platform.

The trick for Android to use to send 2K images from Messenger

If you are a user in possession of a device with an Android operating system, you should know that there is a trick, there is an alternative solution that allows you to send on Facebook Messenger images with a resolution slightly higher than that compressed by the social and consists of installing on your device the application Facebook Lite. I know maybe you were expecting a solution to be used directly from Facebook Messenger and although it may seem controversial, the lighter version of Facebook, which aims to save on data and work best on phones that have low performance base, actually sends by default photos with a 2K resolution, even if you’re using an Android phone, thus obtaining the same compressed maximum resolution that users who use iPhone devices can enjoy.

On the net you can also find alternatives to be able to send photos directly from the Facebook Messenger app and with a maximum resolution greater than that allowed for android and consists of opening a conversation, then tap the profile of the person with whom you are talking and then go to the tab “View photos and videos”. By doing this they say they get photos that reach a higher quality there, but by doing some testing it turns out that it is not as it is described.


Unfortunately, as of 2021, there’s no way on Facebook Messenger to be able to send high-resolution photos, but if you’re not really tied to Messenger and you’re okay with a maximum 2K resolution for the image, you can try using an app other than Messenger, but that still remains in the Facebook house as we’re talking about its lighter version Facebook Lite. In fact, using Facebook Lite on Android, the image will have a maximum resolution of 2K, a resolution that for many users may be enough. Do you also use WhatsApp and would like to send high-resolution photos? Then I suggest you also read this guide that explains how to send photos on WhatsApp in high resolution. Until the next guide.

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